Friday, November 20, 2009


to all my fans(hahaha)..
ni bru ade mse nk update blog n its due to my promise yang this blog will be updated when i found my right person...

ktorg sekelas dri public speaking class lg and klu da jodoh x kemane..(haha)
klas event mgmnt pon skali even ktorg laen course(jodoh kan?)
i must thank to syapa cos dy yg initiate to match us up...(thank you very much syafa)
makcik ni ske sgt mkn meehoon,dy xleh minum coffee sbb dy ade migrain,n i knoe her sensitive part....(syyyy...),slalu target kat ctu klu xnak bg dye tdo...hahaha(korg jgn pk kotor k.)
dye ni kuat majuk....(hai...letihla nak pujuk...makcik jgn salu majuk eh..)
makcik ni x biase overnyte tp i yg ajar dy ovenyte..sian dy,arini dy nyaris accident sbb ngntok tyme drive..(makcik makcik...)
dy xnak i risau so dy x btau i,n ble i tau xkanla i x risau...

ive met her family..
bapak dye mcm garang tp baek..
mak dye cantek..(org kate nk tgk bini kte waktu tua kne tgk mak dye,so ble tgk mak dy i x risau..hahaha)...
cousin dye pon baek n friendly n pakcik dye sgt la byk ckp lg2 bab2 politik ni..dorg borak i tsipu je sbb x amek tau sgt politik pny hal sbnrnye..
satu hari tu dye merajuk x angkat kol x reply msg...(risau gle..)
mayb i gurau lbh2..i apology...(jgn wat camtu lg eh,coz its totally freaking n worrying me out)

i nak u tau yg i maybe not as perfect as other men,not as rich as them,not as smart as them not as whatever people's definition of a right guy but this is just me...
i can be nobody and i just can be myself, n ure now having me as me..
and i need someone to fill any of my hole where i cannot fill it myself..
and ini semua kerja tuhan n i always pray for the verY best of us...


  1. syam...ter baekkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha...i'm happy for u dear...tapi yg sensitive part tu memang tak bleyh blah...hahaha


  2. awwww...syam!giler chumel korg berdua ni.
    im so happy for u guys! =)

  3. wah ecam...sweetnye die nih...nk senyum lebar-lebar bolehh???? ;p
